Ready to finally cross “create a jaw-dropping website” off your to-do list this weekend?

Hey, budding entrepreneur....

It IS possible to have a Pinterest-worthy website, without the “wait-can-I-afford-that?” feeling.

I get it.

There’s the LLC to file. Social media content to create. And if you have to watch one more YouTube tutorial you might, well, scream. 

You’ve finally taken the leap to make your wildest dreams come true. And you want your website to reflect your value. The pressure is real.

From one creative to another, I’ve been there! And It’s enough to make your head spin. But, hey, if it was easy, everyone would be doing it. 

Now let me give you the tough talk–building your business isn’t going to just magically happen. 

You know it’s time to get your website up and running. 

But not just any ‘ol website. A website that makes a powerful statement. A website that establishes your street cred. A website that reflects your business. So you can direct those potential clients on over with the confidence of Marie Forleo herself.

It’s so overwhelming starting your journey as an entrepreneur.

Modern, easy-to-use website templates for ambitious entrepreneurs like you. Without the hefty price tag.

Let’s take a peek at the curated templates:

Completely Customizable Showit Website Templates


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Designed for brands who want to bust through the noise. The game changers. The rebels. The darers.

Designed for the fun, playful, and down-to-earth movers and shakers. Coaches and creators who are ready to inspire their crew.

Designed for the fun, playful, and down-to-earth movers and shakers. Coaches and creators who are ready to inspire their crew.


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This Template Includes: Fully-Designed. Website, Step-by-Step Video Tutorials
Demo Images sourced from Pexels

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One Time Payment: $297
Split Pay (2 x $168)

By clicking here you're agreeing to our TERMS OF USE 

Designed for brands who want to bust through the noise. The game changers. The rebels. The darers.


view demo site

This Template Includes: Fully-Designed. Website, Step-by-Step Video Tutorials
Demo Images sourced from Pexels

purchase template

One Time Payment: $198
Split Pay (2 x $109)

By clicking here you're agreeing to our TERMS OF USE 


All of the templates are 100% CUSTOMIZABLE so that your website is a true representation of your brand

The tools to create a brag-worthy website even if you’re a total designer newbie – absolutely no coding required

 Step-by-step tutorials that are created for the exact template in front of you to take the guesswork out of building the website of your dreams

 Instructions on how to connect your domain and ultimately launch your site in the official Showit guide

The option for personalized, over-your-shoulder 1:1 support with me before you shoot out the distress signal

If you’re ready to say goodbye to the hair-pulling task of piecing a website together and hellllooo to a website that speaks to your people, you’re in the right place.


Looking for that extra layer of support?

You can have me customize your template for you. Perfect for you if the thought of any website tutorial gives you immediate hives. Hey, website design isn’t everyone’s cup of tea.

Fill out the short application and I’ll be in touch to schedule a call.


A study done by Google found that people are 50% more likely to engage with a business if their website is visually appealing.

But what if you could build a website that gives you that oh-my-GOD-I-did-it feeling in as little as two days?

Psst…It’s time to close those dozens of YouTube tutorial tabs you have open.


A website is a huge part of your business strategy!

“I purchased Sandrine’s sales page template and it was just what I needed for my program! It allowed me to build a beautiful & professional looking page in record time. I love it.”

-Sara, Virtual Assistant Mentor


Already an established business and want me to handle every eensy detail of your website sans the template?

Take a look at my One Day Website Package


Got Q’s? I’ve got A’s!

What is Showit?

Showit is the most user-friendly website design platform on the market. It’s a fav among designers because you can create a top-to-bottom, eye-catching website with every piece of it customizable. Platforms like WordPress or Squarespace often require coding and are clunkier to try to personalize.


How much does Showit cost?

Before you can start customizing your template, you will have to create an account on Showit. The monthly subscription ranges from $19 - $34 depending on the features you require. I recommend choosing the Showit + Basic Blog subscription.


Do I need to pay for website hosting too?

Nope! The cost of website hosting is built into the Showit subscription price. They take care of the back-end stuff so you don’t have to.


What is customizable on the template?

Everyyyythingggg. For real! You can easily change out colors, fonts, photos, and, if you’re really feeling up for it, you can switch up the layout, image frames, and more! The amount you customize is really based on your comfort level.


What if I need additional website pages?

We’ve got you covered. Showit makes duplicating additional pages a breeze. So you can have every ‘ol thing you need on your website.


What if I’ve never created a website before?

The 30-minute step-by-step video training you will receive leaves nothing to chance. I’m talkin’ about showing you exactly what and where to click on the exact website template in front of you. And, listen, if you still have a burning question I’m only an email away.


Can I use this template for a different platform other than Showit?

No, this template is designed specifically for Showit and will not work on other platforms.


How quickly can I get started?

After purchasing, you’ll get your brand spankin’ new template and step-by-step video training delivered straight to your inbox. So you can start building your future 6-figure business today. Happy creating!



that connects

captivate, and convert.


You need a website as bold as you. Like yesterday. Ready to make it happen?