A high-end Showit website without the high-end price tag

You have a business that deserves to stand out, which means you need a best-in-class website with:

SEO that has perfect-fit clients finding you when they Google their problems.

A stand-out design that showcases your brand in all its glory.

A can’t-say-no-to-this message that reels in clients. Again and again and again.

There’s just one problem. To get this website, you need a high-level designer. (One who’s helped countless entrepreneurs feel confident AF about their websites.) And a high-level copywriter. (One who’s taken businesses from 0 to 1,000+ visitors a day.)

But these designers and copywriters come at a price. You know you need to invest, but it’s just not possible at this stage in your business journey.

So, not the designers and copywriters hanging around on Fiverr.

Ditch the generic with a fully customizable Showit website template

Thousands of business owners can’t finance the website they need to grow their business. Many of them turn to AI. But they quickly find their new “friend” ChatGPT sucks the soul out of their story. And that AI website builders hand out the same generic design to everyone.

That’s why I’ve teamed up with Charlotte, founder of Finer Things Editorial, to make sure you can have the best of both: top-shelf copy and top-shelf design. The result? A website that showcases your brand and the reasons why you’re the only option.

With our customizable Showit website template bundle, you can start building an exceptional website today.

(And finish it this week.)

The all-in-one Showit website template suite: design, words, visibility

Let’s unbox your Showit website transformation kit. Here’s what’s included:

Writing Templates

to plot conversion copy for every web page

Use these copywriting templates to follow the exact formula Finer Things Editorial uses for their clients (no secrets spared). There are templates for your:

Home page
Service page(s)
Sales page(s)
About page
Contact page

Each web page template includes core and optional sections to help you transform your jumbled thoughts into crème-de-la-crème copy. (No more staring/swearing at a blank Google doc.)

Showit Design Templates 

to bring your website vision to life

Next, it’s time to plug your copy into your glossy Showit website. There’s a design template for every page that you can adapt to make 100% yours. Without having to do any code whatsoever.

To make life even simpler, I’ve created a walkthrough video that shows you every single step you need to take to build a smooth, slick website. I don’t want there to be a split second where you’re left in the dark, so everything’s covered.

The video covers how to log into Showit, create an account, and add your key code. From here, I’ll guide you through the process of uploading photos, editing text, and connecting your domain.

I’m even throwing in a bonus Showit guidebook, which goes even deeper into the platform so you can master it yourself.

SEO Guide

to help you master your website’s visibility and reach

Yes, we know. Just hearing the word "SEO" is enough to make you alphabetize your spice rack, finally sort the laundry, or do literally anything other than read about search engine optimization.

That’s why Finer Things Editorial’s Charlotte has put together a baby-steps guide that makes SEO easy-peasy. You’ll learn how to find out exactly what your desired clients are Googling. And then make sure your website shows up for these phrases and questions.

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 Two Payments of $399


One Time Payment of $798

Total Investment

A $4,500 Showit website for just $798

If you booked Charlotte and me to custom-create your website and copy, you’d be looking at a minimum cost of $4,500.

We know this isn’t possible for many entrepreneurs. But we still want you to have a website that makes you the obvious choice over competitors.

That’s why your Showit website template kit is only $798.

$399 for premium design templates that will help you build a website that attracts high-ticket clients. (Not to mention the walkthrough video and guidebook that make the design process easier than saying yes to a slice of cheesecake.)

$399 for conversion-optimized copy templates that will take the stress out of writing words that sell. (Not to mention the SEO guide that will get the right eyes on your business.)

And to make life even easier, you can split your payment into two, $399 now and $399 this time next month.

You’ll receive your design templates, copy templates, and SEO guide instantly. Which means you can get started building your website today.


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Meet Sandrine

(that’s me!)

I’m Sandrine Wilson, founder of Sandrine's Design & Co. Creating website designs that showcase the stories of inspiring female entrepreneurs is my fave thing to do.

Business owners like you shouldn’t have to wait to see transformation. Which is why I offer one-day and one-week websites.

I don’t run the kind of studio that builds your website and then bails. I also teach my clients to maintain their sites so they can update and tweak them long after I finish the design.

Meet Charlotte

(finer things editorial)

Charlotte Peate is the founder of Finer Things Editorial, a high-end copy studio for female founders who want their voices to be bigger and bolder.

The studio creates head-turning copy that transforms women's businesses the way they transform their clients’ lives.

With a blend of finessed messaging and strategic SEO, Finer Things Editorial enables these women to attract clients instead of chasing them.

When I met Charlotte in a networking call for womenpreneurs, we were both creating templates that we were excited to share with business owners just like you. It made perfect sense to combine our templates — copy and design — so that female founders everywhere can launch first-rate websites without a big budget.

Meet the creators behind your Showit website template experience

I realized after you sent the templates that one of the reasons my website was a disaster was because I didn't have a good grasp on what I really wanted to convey.

I have worked through the templates and I feel SO GREAT about the outcomes.
I have found them to be tremendously helpful! Simply having the guide to follow eliminates the overthinking. I love the quick tips included throughout! You also give so many suggestions for wording and engagement and tips about the number of words to be ranked on Google — all very helpful.

- Sarah Jones, Money Coach and Host of The Financial Front-Runners

Get the Answers you need

What’s the difference between a service page and a sales page?

A service page introduces your service (like business coaching, brand photography, or financial advice) to your ideal clients. You can introduce all your services on one page if you want to.

A sales page sells a direct product (like a course, program, mastermind, or digital product).

If you only need a service or a sales page, you can hide the page you don’t need (and then publish it when you launch a new offer in future). And if you need multiple service or sales pages, you can duplicate the template to have as many as you like.


How quickly will my website be up and running?

As quickly as you like. If you’re an on-fire kind of woman, you could get going first thing tomorrow and have your website up in a day. If you’d like to take things a little slower (leaving time for cake breaks), we recommend splitting the website creation over three days:

  • Day one: SEO
  • Day two: Copywriting
  • Day three: Website building


Why should I use Showit for my website template?

Showit is the gold standard for user-friendly, customizable websites that ooze elegance. The photos, fonts, and colors are completely up to you. Changes happen in just a couple of clicks. No coding, no drama, no stress.


How much is Showit?

Showit’s basic plan is $228 a year or $24 per month and includes hosting. You’ll need a subscription to publish your site, and you can get a free 14-day trial when you book.
Showit is one of the more cost-effective website providers. You won’t need to purchase anything beyond your Showit subscription and this template package to launch an upscale site.


What makes this Showit website template unique?

This Showit website template bundle combines expertise from a designer and copywriter who have helped women all over the world finally get their businesses the visibility they deserve. 

You’re not just getting design files that you need to populate single-handedly. You’re getting a complete suite of design, copy, and SEO guidance.

We won’t leave you in the dark. If you do run into any questions, you can ask for support. If your q is copy-related, I’ll put you in touch with Finer Things Editorial. If it’s design-related I’ll be happy to help.


Why are you supporting female founders with this Showit website template?

For every female-owned business, there are two male-owned ones. And we want more women to take their places in the limelight, running businesses that support as many people as possible.



 Two Payments of $399


One Time Payment of $798

Total Investment

Is this Showit website template suite right for you?

You have a business that has the potential to scale into something beautiful. But, right now, you feel invisible.

You have a crammed-full calendar and don’t want to wait weeks or months for your website to be ready. You need it now.

You want a professional, client-attracting website. But you can’t afford a top-tier web designer and copywriter.

You want great-fit clients to find you via Google so you don’t have to find clients yourself. But you don’t know how to do your own SEO.

This Showit website template suite is perfect for you if:

Don’t worry, we’ve got you. With this Showit website template package, you can have your website ready to show the world within a week.


Still unsure? Let’s talk!

Yes, your design and copy frameworks are already mapped out for you. But you still need a splash of creativity, some time to yourself, and a healthy dose of self-confidence.

If you’re feeling unsure about building your own website — even with a supportive, step-by-step template and video guide — feel free to slide into my Instagram DMs. We can chat about whether this is the best next step for you.

Investing in website templates can be scary when you still need to do some of the work.

send me a dm